Trapped into an injection (Monsters Tears 2005)
Peter Vilk
Tommy's Chase (Monsters Tears 2005)
Peter Vilk
Asylum (Monsters Tears 2005)
Peter Vilk

Monsters Tears was dark, humoruous and entrancing journey into issues of loss and isolation through societies labels we place on each other. Performed at the Theatre Workshop, Edinburgh as part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and then toured to the Highlands and Dumfries and Galloway in 2005

In 2006, the production was revived after popular demand and created the Kingdom of Fife and Scottish Borders tour, with a new cast and director from the 2005 tour Monster’s Tears also toured to schools and resource centres in Edinburgh and Penicuik.

Devised by the Company. Writer - John Binnie. Director - John Edgar, a Lung Ha’s Theatre Company Member as part of the Apprentice Director scheme. Assistant Director - Clark Crystal. Designer - Robin Mitchell. Lighting Designer - Liam Boucher. Music Composer - Pete Vilk

“…it’s also possible to feel the creative presence of the company members themselves; their passion, their humour, and their determination to stand with all of those who are stigmatised as “different”, excluded and abused” - The Scotsman