This film is one of three shorts I made during a week in Beirut in May 2011. The films were commissioned by Reel Festivals and Creative Scotland and the remit was make a series of short films "inspired by" the festival of poets. It was an amazing week, it's not every day that you get to meet poets from Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Scotland. We were also meant to go to Damascus but as the political situation worsened that leg of the festival was cancelled. However, I still wanted to reflect the current situation in one of the films, so I interviewed one of the Syrian poets about his dreams. That was the starting point for this film. All three films were shot in the space of six days. I filmed it on a Canon EOS 7D, with a Rhode SVM Mic attached to it and also recorded seperate sound on a Zoom H2 mic. I then came back home to sunny Scotland and collaborated with my usual suspects, the gorgeous Maryam Ghorbankarimi on editing and of course music and sound design by the talented Pete the Beat you can check more of his superb music & sound design here I'd like to get more funding to go back to Lebanon (and hopefully Syria) and continue filming with the poets, I feel there are many more stories to tell, and also continue my collaboration with the wonderful Reel Festivals. check them out here,they are pretty amazing folk There will also be some shorts I'll make of the fantastic Scottish poets too, coming soon.. Produced, Directed and Filmed by Roxana Vilk Executive Produced by GOL Productions & Reel Festivals Edited by Maryam Ghorbankarimi Sound Design and Music by Peter Vilk Production Assistant Stefanie Van De Peer Filmed on location in Beirut 2011, with a Canon EOS 7D and film sound recorded on a Zoom H2 mic and Rhode SVM Mic ( attached to the camera) Commissioned by Reel Festivals 2011, Creative Scotland and Scottish Poetry Library and Firefly International.